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June 4, 2012

This week we had Zone Leader´s Counsel (thats how you spell it right?) and it was absolutely awesome. I love being zone leader for that opportunity to feel the spirit so strong. We also had our zone meeting. I´m still getting used to teaching like that in meetings--sometimes its a little uncomfortable--but President Cantu told me in an interview that the moment that we are comfortable in a calling or assignment, it´ll be our time to leave that calling. I never got comfortable being District Leader but whatever haha. But i felt the spirit really strong. There have been some messups by many missionaries in the mission lately and Pres. Cantu was very sincere in his desire that we no longer mess up. He´s had to send home a couple missionaries and with tears he told us to make sure that no one else messes up. That´s where the responsibitity comes in transmitting what is said so that ALL can feel that same spirit and that same sincerity. But it was really good and this week awesome.

I had told you all about our conference with E. Tenorio of the Seventy and his instruction on specific prayers. We hadnt really put it into practice but they talked alot about it in the counsel so we tried it. We had planned Friday to go with Alma (an appt) at 5. We asked in the prayer that we could be able to find a woman in her early 20s and her little daughter, and that they could be from a family with husband and all that. So we went and Alma couldnt listen. We were confused cause we had asked "after the lesson with Alma." And we got home without finding anyone. But the next day we went with Alma in the morning and taught Sabbath Day (and she went to church for the first time yesterday!). After we looked for a less active member and there sitting outside of the house was a young woman in her 20s with a little baby girl. She lived there with her husband and her parents in law. I had forgotton about that prayer but E. Cruz asked me after "Was it her?" And i felt the spirit tell me that that was the answer to that prayer. The Lord knew when that prayer was going to be anwered but we didnt. Like it says in Isaiah 55: "8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Its something that i am going to use every day for the rest of my life. Pres. Cantu gave us specific instruction on how to do it and i wanted to share it with you so you can use it too. Its in spanish and i dont have time to translate it but you can have Dad do it or use Google Translator even though it sucks haha.

Espero que este dia de las madres puedan ser fortalecidos y fortalescan a sus madres al darles su testimonio de la obra en la cual estamos embarcados! Recibi algunas preguntas de ustedes hacerca de la oracion especifica y como hacerla, la oracion especifica es eso, muy especifica, haciendo cuanto podamos pero pidiendo ayuda al Señor en lo que no podemos controlar, el hara el milagro basado en nuestra fe despues de hacer cuanto podamos!! expliquen el problema, y propongan soluciones que tengan incluidas cosas que ustedes debe hacer para que el Señor haga el resto!! Asi como el hermano de Jared al traer piedras blancas para que el Señor las ilumine con su dedo o como Nefi al preguntar donde habia metal para hacer herramientas para el poder construir el barco!! tengan fe y ponganlo en practica! animo y adelante! Por ejemplo hoy explicamos a nuestros hijos esto y Kevin (kevin is President´s son--hes 8) penso en un problema que habia tenido ya por dos semanas sin resolver, el habia perdido un cargador de un aparato, inmediatamente despues de la explicacion que dimos, pregunto a su mamá como hacerlo y le explicamos, luego dijo: voy a pedir al Padre que en la siguiente hora al levantarme de orar que yo busque otra vez y encuentre lo que estoy buscando, al terminar su oracion se levanto, se le vino a la mente un cajon en el cual buscar y el primer cable que encontro era el que buscaba!! su oracion fue contestada en cinco minutos!! no en una hora!! debemos volvernos como un niño y creer por completo! Mosiah 3:19, hay que 1.-Detectar el problema, 2.-Hacer cuanto podamos, 3.-orar especificamente, diciendo lo que vamos a hacer de nuestra voluntad y esfuerzo, haciendo un compromiso y pidiendo al padre una bendicion con fe al 100% sin dudar en nada!! Les amo por su valor al estar aqui sirviendo y estoy muy agradecido de conocerles! Espero pronto me escriban y me digan como estan poniendo en practica este principio que nos enseño el Elder Tenorio y los milagros que esten teniendo! Solo haganlo sin dudar en nada!! Exito y a volter al cielo!!..Pte. Cantú...... So there you have it. Have fun translating!

To answer your questions....if you can tell Bro Larsen hi for me, that would be awesome. Tell him thank you for all he did to help me in the time that he was YM pres....Tell all who are graduating congrats--from seminary and from High school, especially Stephen....about the camera. The problem is i lost the little thing that plugs into the wall. I have the cable but not the little thingy. I dont know the model--its Kodak and its really small and its red. That´s all the clues ive got for ya. I was going to try to take out the money from my card to avoid problems with the bank freezing the card or whatev but i forgot. Whatev.....Amy....Its crazy that you´re movin out. I know that itll be wierd for a little while (you already know about that feeling) but just remember that Heavenly Father is always there, even when there is nobody physically there. You are never alone. I know that you already know that but just so you remember :) Good Luck in Utah (and remember the promise you made me. You´re halfway there but this´ll be the tough road--in Utah with the RMs. Be strong, big sis haha). And a big Happy Birthday to Dad! ¡Feliz cumpleaños papá! Te amo mucho. Estaré contigo para celebrar el del año siguiente.

Well thats all i got for you. We have a Leader´s Seminar almost all this week from Tues to Friday. I´m sure i´ll learn a bunch of stuff. I´ll tell you all about it next week. ¡Que tengan buena semana!

--Elder Crisp ;P